Monday, May 30, 2016

Longwood University

Longwood University is a four-year open coeducational tasteful sciences school arranged in Farmville, Virginia, United States. Built up in 1839 as Farmville Female Seminary Association, it is the third-most prepared state subsidized school in Virginia and one of the hundred most prepared establishments of cutting edge training in the U.S. Longwood transformed into a school on July 1, 2002. Three student academic colleges—the Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business and Economics, and the College of Education and Human Services—supported by the Cormier Honors College and joined with the College of Graduate and Professional Studies serve a selection of 5,096. The school includes a momentous geographic spot ever: both Gens. Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Blessing strolled past the north end of grounds on Lee's retreat to Appomattox days before the end of the American Civil War; at the south end of grounds lies the past Robert Russa Moton High School, site of the critical 1951 understudy strike that got the chance to be one of the five court cases completing in the foremost Brown v. Driving collection of Education decision; and Israel Hill, a gathering of free dim people adjusted to the turn of the nineteenth century, stands two miles from campus.Longwood University is a bit, exceedingly private open stylish sciences school that offers more than 100 majors and minors transversely more than three essential insightful schools. Longwood is situated in the top regional schools in the South by U.S. News and World Report and has the greatest rate of classes taught by all day workforce of all state financed schools in Virginia. Longwood is recorded in the "Best in the Southeast" zone of The Princeton Review's 2015 Best Colleges: Region by Region diagram. Longwood in like manner is recorded in The Princeton Review's Best Value Colleges: 2014 Edition, the third constant year that Longwood was named to this once-over. The school is in like manner situated 354 among "more than 700" schools and universities situated by Money Magazine. Forbes positions Longwood in the fundamental 600 colleges in the U.S. additionally, in the fundamental 175 in the South. In 2005 it was seen by USA Today as among 20 schools in the country that progress and empower understudy accomplishment. Longwood is known for element understudies and complement on aggregate learning. In the yearly National Survey of Student Engagement review, Longwood routinely outscores other state supported universities in the Southeast in gage measures of understudy engagement and quality learning environment. These scores fuse educational test, learning with sidekicks, experiences with staff, and grounds environment. Longwood requires every understudy who graduates to complete a section level position, facilitated inquire about or guided field contribution in their field of study. One of the
centerpiece hands-on learning opportunities available to understudies is LU@YNP, a yearly interdisciplinary framework held at Yellowstone National Park that opens individuals to open issues in and around the diversion focus. In like manner, understudies have the opportunity to amass abroad at one of various staff drove genuine study treks to spots like Costa Rica, Thailand and Greece. Longwood has exchange programs with a couple of remote schools, including Anhui University of Technology in China, which began in 2004. Developing undertakings like PRISM, a paid summer research program that sets understudies with workers for eight weeks of heightened investigation, Longwood in 2014 impelled an action to bolster student research tries. With its remarkable roots in teacher arranging, liberal thinks still remains the greatest major on campus.Located in Farmville, Virginia, Longwood is inside 65 miles of three of Virginia's urban centers: Richmond (65 miles), Charlottesville (60 miles) and Lynchburg (45 miles). Despite existing neighboring one of Southside Virginia's essential downtowns, there are a couple of outside circumstances available to understudies. The 31-mile High Bridge Trail is a short walk around grounds, and the centerpiece of the way, the half-mile long High Bridge is just four miles from grounds and adequately accessible by bicycle or foot. The Appomattox River, a pervasive paddling destination, moreover runs a short walk around grounds. The Appalachian Trail is a short drive west, and there are a couple greens nearby.

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